The Carroll Consolidated School Corporation is a school district composed of five townships located in Carroll County, Indiana. A professional staff of administrators, certified teachers and non-certified employees make up Carroll Junior-Senior High School, Carroll Elementary School, and the Administrative Offices. They serve a student population of over 1,140 students. A Board of School Trustees, one each elected from Burlington, Carrollton, Democrat, Monroe, and Washington townships, governs the district with an appointed superintendent. All school facilities K-12 are located on a fifty acre site located 1 1/2 miles east of Flora, Indiana on State Road 18. The school district features facilities which provide the residents of the Carroll School Corporation with some of the finest educational facilities in Indiana.
The Central Administrative Building is located at
2 South Third Street in Flora, Indiana. It serves as the office of the superintendent of schools, the school treasurer, and the food service director.
The school corporation is located near several fine educational institutions including Purdue University, Indiana Vocational Technical College and Indiana University Kokomo.
The Carroll Consolidated School Corporation web site can be found at Consolidated School Corporation
2 South Third Street
Flora, In. 46929
Phone: 574-967-4113
Keith Thackery - Superintendent
Carroll Junior-Senior High School

Carroll Junior-Senior High School is located East of the Town of Flora, on State Road 18, and houses grades 7-12. The educational facilities include a swimming pool, field house, two gymnasiums, an auditorium, computer laboratories, foreign language facilities, and complete classrooms and laboratories in business, science, fine arts, home economics, industrial technology, mathematics, physical education, and language arts. Selected special education classes and other learning areas are included. Vocational agriculture students utilize an adjacent vocational building.
Carroll Junior-Senior High School
2362 East State Road 18
Flora, In. 46929
Phone: 574-967-4157
Shay Bonnell- Principal
Carroll Elementary School

Carroll Elementary School is a centralized facility completed in 1984. Located on a site south of Carroll Junior-Senior High School, it is a school containing K-6 grade classrooms with specialized areas for administration, art, music, computer laboratories, physical education, special education, guidance, health services, and a centralized instructional media center. A gymnasium, multiple purpose room, cafeteria, and a stage/auditorium complete the inside structure.
Carroll Elementary is a Prime Time school, and features specialized programs for the needs of the individual student. Programs are offered in all general elementary areas, including special education, Title I, Accelerated classes, and gifted/talented education. Carroll Elementary has an energetic PTO involved in many school related activities.
Carroll Elementary School
105 South 225 East
Flora, In. 46929
Phone: 574-967-4881
Roy Hufford - Principal